1) Open a terminal window and Install Xcode command line tools. In the window that will pop up, select 'install'

xcode-select  --install

2) Install Anaconda Package for Python 2.7 (Be sure to install the version for Python 2.7) from: https://www.anaconda.com/download/#macos. After installation CLOSE THE TERMINAL and open it again to check that anaconda is installed by typing:

anaconda --version

3) In Terminal, type the following command to create the STAMP script:

conda create -y -n stamp-test python=2.7

4) Type this to activate the script:

source activate stamp-test

5) Type this to install STAMP:

conda install -y -c bioconda stamp

6) Type this to open STAMP:


STAMP is now installed.

***Every time you want to use STAMP you must activate the script in Terminal using:

source activate stamp-test

and then:***